Eventhough it's not very pleasant season,I found pleasure. It's gardening.The color of flowers in winter are very qute! There are my flower pots of this winter.
I'm crazy about an ornamental cabbage(second row,left and right) now. I put linen cloth on Japanese like basket which my parents sent me with orchid as a gift when the cafe was open. Now,the orchid is gone.. then I reuse this basket.
--from left,clockwise--ornamental cabbage(purple),mondo grass(black),stock(pink),mondo grass,ornamental cabbage (cream yellow and pink) primula juliana(strawberry pink) --center--dusty miller.

These are cyclamens ans wire plants. I love these Bordeaux wine color(flower) and silver leaves!

Ops,this is not very good..
It's first time to make hanging basket. I hope it's going to be better when they glow few weeks later..

Finally,these are violas in the can. Behind of viola is muscari(bulb.)