The sky around 6pm.
The food is still scarce.
I couldn't get enough eggs for making Swiss Roll today.
Instead of that,I've made Peanut Cream & Choco Chip Scones.

150 g Flour
4 g Baking Powder
40 g Brown Sugar ,Pinch of Salt
50 g Unsweet Peanutbutter
1 egg
80 g Fresh Cream
50 g Chocolate Chip
1.Mix flour,sugar,salt and baking powder.
2.Add peanut butter and mix lightly.
3.Add egg and fresh cream then add choco chip.
-recommend to use the food processor-
Wrap the dough and put it in the refrige at least 1 hour.
Devide the dough in 8 part. Bake it 180C,18min.

I recommend to put whipped cream on side.
Once I published this post few minutes ago,I almost deleted this post because I thought this is indiscreet topic on this situation in Japan.
The country is in deep sorrow. There are many problems around country. Another big M6.1 after shock have just occured a couple of hours ago. Another Neuclear Plant is Southern part of this desaster's area.
I mentioned the numbers of victims yesterday but that was not correct. Death tall is risen in every minutes. We are not sure how many people are missing,or waiting fo help exactly.
Meanwhile,Southern Japan is still in trouble. They lost almost all cow because of foot-and-mouth disease,Mt. Shinmoe has erupted 2months ago. Even these circumstances, Southern people are eager to help quake victims.
We ask ourselves everyday. This is suitable or not? Shouldn't we go dinner because many people are struggling in North? Do we have to stop doing something fun,even laugh? Some people agree,some people disagree.
I don't know.I have no answer.
But I think I have to open the cafe to wait for the guest if this action would help someone. Actually,my area is just next prefecture to the neuclear plant is located. I saw many people who evacuated from there since the quake happened last week. We had party of six from there today. They decided to out of the city.They said thay were glad to have some time to rest in my cafe.
So I'm going to up this post right now.
We live.We fight.
I believe. I pray.