Thursday, May 26, 2011

hiking & live concert

I went hiking to the Heisei Forest on Wednesday. "Heisei" is the name of this era. It's in Nasu highlands approximately 180km of north of Tokyo. A rich forest about 560 ha area was managed as part of the Imperial Family's villa site and it is opened to the public. Because the nature of this area is almost untouched long time,many animals and plants inhabit including rare species here.

I took a half-day tour with nature guide.The picture below is the view from the arbor called "Seishin-tei,pure soul arbor" the place the Showa Emperor liked. I was surprised that the arbor was so simple building though I had imagined the arbor must be luxurious.

That was the event of the morning.

Then went to the town in the afternoon.

I went to the live concert of Miki Imai who is a female singer with fine clear voice.It's her 25th anniversary as a singer this year.Because I liked not only her voice but melody and lyrics,I listen to her music over and over again when I was younger.She married to the guitarist who play Kill Bill vol.1's song.It is amazing that she is 49 years old.

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