Thursday, October 6, 2011

hike in the fog.

I went hiking with friends last Wednesday to check the color of trees.
The hiking sounds fun but it was not really.. because of weather. We knew the weather wasn't fine but we had no choice because Wednesday was the only chance to us.

I was a very beginner when it comes to the mountain climbing.
We were like taking a mist shower all the time but I forgot to bring any towel.
The temperature was getting low but I brought a pair of just regular qute knits globes which got completely wet due to the mist.
I put too much clothes because I thought it was cold but I was wrong. I sweat a lot less than 10 min from the start climbimg. And it made my condition unwell. etc,etc.

I have sore muscles in my right thigh pretty much now. I didn't exercise these days.You can tell that I didn't prepare enough.
So,I'm just a looser...

But there was something I liked about hiking.
We had a small comfort lunch with cup of coffee which was great specialy after we walked in the chilly rainy weather! One of us said that that is why we can't stop hinking because of this.And we all indeed.
It was foggy like this.

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