Monday, March 28, 2011

The Love of Mothers.

I've read an article on the paper this morning.

One mother thank to the woman for breast feeding for her baby.

28 year old mother is staying at evacuation center with her 2 months-old-baby.

Mother couldn't sleep because baby didn't stop crying because of hunger.

That's a vicious spiral.

Mother's breast milk stopped because of lack of sleep.

There's no alternative nutrition such as powder milk at the center.

32 year old woman who have 18 months-old baby and also breast-feed her baby had heard about that situation through the radio then visited that evecuation center.

32 year-old woman wasn't sure the baby drink her breast milk first but the baby started sucking immediately and it lasted 20 min.

I couldn't find out how often the 32 year-old woman visited the evecuation center but 28-year-old mother start breast-feeding again.

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